Hey you! Yeah you!
Curious to know why our product offering is so slim all of the sudden? We've hidden a bunch of products from sale temporarily for one simple reason: the recent sale of American Apparel to Canadian apparel giant Gildan.
How does that effect Heritage Sports Co. you ask? Well, we make essentially all of our gear with wholesale American Apparel clothing. We do so through an awesome shirt company called Printful, and while they've bought up as much of the remaining American Apparel stock as they humanely could, unfortunately it won't last. To prevent delays in getting your order to you because of potentially no stock remaining, we've gone ahead and hidden any products that would be made with American Apparel.
When can I order all the sweet styles made with American Apparel again? To be honest, we're not quite sure. As of this blog post, there aren't any brand new American Apparel clothes being made. BUT - from the articles we're reading, Gildan wants to start selling American Apparel to wholesalers (like Printful) and may do so by the end of this month. That's not 100% however, but as soon as we have more news, you'll know.
If there's a design I really want, can you still sell me a shirt? For sure. Feel free to hit up that blue Messenger button in the bottom right of the screen and let us know what you're looking for, and we'll do what we can to create a replacement in the meantime.
Thanks for reading!